Initial trichological examination

At Dermarevolt, we specialise in the problem of excessive hair loss, which is bringing more and more people to us nowadays.

There are different types of falls and they all have their cause and course. It is important to pinpoint it and not to overlook anything so that you get a really effective treatment. As each body is unique also with regard to the medical history and overall lifestyle, in order to choose the most appropriate therapy, trichology experts recommend as a first step to undergo a thorough trichological examination.

Is it necessary to have this examination with us before starting treatment if you have already seen another specialist?
The view of the patient and the diagnosis may vary from doctor to doctor, as the doctor approaches the patient based on his/her previous experience. The initial examination in our hair clinic is very important for us, as it is thanks to it that we are able to establish the correct diagnosis and plan the treatment that will be most appropriate for the disease in question.

When will I have the results?
At Dermarevolt you can rely on experienced experts in trichology. After the initial interview, they take pride in a thorough diagnosis, and familiarity with the findings. You get the results immediately after the examination and leave us with a treatment plan.

What can I expect from the examination?

  • comprehensive diagnosis of hair and skin diseases with a digital trichoscope,
  • several individually tailored treatment options with excellent results in stopping and preventing hair loss,
  • determining the appropriate home treatment and hair care plan.

"We focus primarily on the patient's medical history, collecting information about the origin and course of their problems. After the initial consultation, we clinically examine the hair and become familiar with the findings. This is followed by a digital trichoscopy using a special camera connected to a computer,´´ MUDr. Silvia Andelová, an expert in trichology, explains the course of the examination. 

What is a digital trichoscope?
Trichoscopy with a special camera magnifies the skin, follicles and individual hairs enough to allow the doctor to observe the signs typical of the disease and provides valuable information about the diagnosis. "With this digital camera, we focus not only on genetically determined hair loss, but also on other types of hair loss and specific signs that are characteristic of each type of hair loss,´´ adds MUDr. Andelová and lists, for example, the affected areas, the thickness of the hair, the number of hairs per hair follicle, the presence of hair follicles, the overall condition of the scalp.

Precisely according to the cause, hair loss manifests itself differently. It appears either suddenly or you lose hair gradually. It affects only the hair or you also lose body hair.

How to prepare for the examination?
For the most accurate diagnosis, we recommend that you do not dye your hair for at least 14 days before the examination, 2 to 3 days before the examination it is advisable not to wash your hair and then do not use any styling products.

How much time should I book for the examination?
As this is a complex examination, it is necessary to allow sufficient time for it. The standard examination takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes. Our goal is to make sure that all of your questions are answered and that you understand the cause of your problem and treatment recommendations or procedures in this time.

What are the therapy options?
Hair loss treatment is both outpatient and home-based. Methods are often combined and complemented with excellent results.  In patients who follow the established therapeutic plan, we have a very high treatment efficacy. We take a comprehensive care approach to the treatment of alopecia. We follow the latest recommended treatments and ways to cope with hair fall and how to improve hair quality. At Dermarevolt, we therefore bring several types of therapy to support hair growth and stop hair fall:

  • hair mesotherapy
  • application of own plasma into the scalp
  • treatment with progenitor cells - Regenera Activa
  • topical corticosteroid therapy (Diprophos)

What is the success rate of hair loss treatment?
Patients who follow the established therapeutic plan have a high success rate of treatment and the first results are usually seen after 2-3 months.

Do I really need the help of an expert or should I wait?
Two to three hairs grow from each hair bulb in an ideal state. A person normally loses 50 to 100 hairs a day. You won't notice it, as new ones are constantly being added by a natural process under ideal conditions. However, if you are bothered by the loss of more hair in the long term, a visit to the doctor is certainly not worth postponing. "With a special magnifying camera we can see which follicles are affected, whether a hair is growing out of them or the follicle is already completely exhausted. We can no longer intervene there. The sooner we stop the fall and encourage new growth with appropriate treatment, the easier it will be to avoid rapid hair loss or permanent baldness,´´ explains Dr Andelová.

Dermarevolta is at your service.

